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Mise à jour du serveur en 1.6, une date?

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  • Mise à jour du serveur en 1.6, une date?


    Je voulais juste savoir si vous connaissiez une date précise de mise à jour du serveur en 1.6?

    Merci d'avance,

    Signé Théo

  • #2
    Dès que craftbukkit sera a jour et stable je suppose.

    Steam ami : unradeux2


    • #3
      Sur des petites maps ça peut être stable, sur des grosses maps ça a été prouvé que non, or la map fait 1,6Go... et un plugin essentiel pour nous n'est toujours pas compatible ! donc de toute manière il faut attendre craftbukkit et les plugins, on est dépendant de tout ça !
      « J'ai d'abord travaillé dans un abattoir. C'est un peu là que j'ai découvert ma vocation ! Mais le travail était un peu systématique, ça contrariait mon tempérament d'artiste... »


      • #4
        ok merci de la réponse !


        • #5
          Informations fraiches de ce matin 5h :

          Update 2:
          New development build b816 with Minecraft 1.6.5 support is now available.

          Notable changes include:
          • Fixed beds.
          • Fixed issue with arrows crashing clients and servers.
          • Multiworld is DISABLED (this does not include built-in nether portals) pending investigation.
          • Fixed inventory updating through plugins.
          • Fixed entity already in chunk errors.
          • and Multiworld is DISABLED (this does not include built-in nether portals) pending investigation so please don't report issues with it.
          • This is a non-recommended development and test build. You will not receive support outside of bug reporting. Backing up your server and completely understanding the risks of running this build is highly recommended before you run it.

          Once again, we cannot guarantee that this build will not completely corrupt your world or cause a disturbance in the force.

          If you completely understand what you are getting into, you can download the latest development test build with this link:


          Since the release of Minecraft 1.6, we've seen quite a few rapid-fire bugfix updates from Mojang addressing issues the community has noticed and reported back on. While we're glad Mojang are on top of things and getting updates out there quickly to improve the community's experience, this does result in extra work on our part since we have to re-do some of the work we've completed for the previous update. As a result, I made the decision to hold off on getting a build out for Minecraft 1.6 until we were able to evaluate the update and decide if that is what we feel we should do or not.

          Over the weekend, that is what we have been busy doing. Unfortunately, I was out of town and unable to handle the situation as much as I would have liked, leading to a lack of communication on our part with you guys, our community. Nevertheless, my team was happily and diligently working on the update and in regular contact with me. Still, I would like to apologise for our lack of communication, I simply was not in a position to do so.

          That being said, we have noticed a few issues with the update that we've been able to address, so we are leaning towards bringing out a build for Minecraft 1.6.5. Though this build may not address all the issues we've found, it is still usable and produces a playable server with a decent experience. However, I am not yet sure if this build will qualify for recommendation.

          Please bear this in mind when using the build: it is not fully supported (though we welcome detailed, useful bug reports) and not recommended (we can't guarantee stability) to use. There are some Minecraft vanilla issues that Mojang need to address that are beyond the scope of our project to fix and we are still touching things up (like Nether/multiworld support).

          If you want to use the build we'll be pushing soon, please backup your server and make sure you understand the risks before doing so. Once again, we cannot guarantee that it won't eat your cake or spawn tiny creeper babies that take over your world.


          As I'm sure we're all aware, Mojang released Minecraft 1.6 today (Thursday, May 26, 2011) around 5AM EST and we've been hard at work getting a build out that is compatible with Minecraft 1.6 out. Since the release, Minecraft has seen quite a few small bugfix updates addressing some unnoticed bugs and we've pretty easily kept up with them. Unfortunately, there appear to be some issues with the update that is making the game unplayable for SMP players, so we've decided to wait for a bugfix update before we recommend any builds.

          Will there be a CraftBukkit for Minecraft 1.6?
          Given the reports of showstopping bugs present in 1.6, there's a high chance a new bugfix update for Minecraft will be out tomorrow or even several times this week. As a result, it is unlikely we will be releasing a Recommended Build for 1.6 until we have something stable to work with.

          That being said, we recommend everyone stay on 1.5 for a while until the showstopping issues are fixed and we can get a new, stable, compatible build out.

          You can already get CraftBukkit for Minecraft 1.6.4, but it is unsupported and not recommended.

          I'll be scouring the internet for further reports on how Minecraft 1.6 is performing, but preliminary research and our own testing has revealed it as unplayable due to chunks sporadically loading or not loading.
          « J'ai d'abord travaillé dans un abattoir. C'est un peu là que j'ai découvert ma vocation ! Mais le travail était un peu systématique, ça contrariait mon tempérament d'artiste... »


          • #6
            et d'après mon test sur cette version : encore des problèmes de plugins... comme la 1.6.6 devrait sortir bientôt je doute que les dév des plugins se mettent en route pour les faire marcher avec la 1.6.5...
            « J'ai d'abord travaillé dans un abattoir. C'est un peu là que j'ai découvert ma vocation ! Mais le travail était un peu systématique, ça contrariait mon tempérament d'artiste... »


            • #7
              La build recommandée de la 1.6.6 est sortie cette nuit.
              je vais voir les problèmes avec les plugins... iConomy ne marchait pas hier, on va voir si ça a été mis à jour, sinon on attendra que les plugins soient ok.
              « J'ai d'abord travaillé dans un abattoir. C'est un peu là que j'ai découvert ma vocation ! Mais le travail était un peu systématique, ça contrariait mon tempérament d'artiste... »


              • #8
                Serveur passé en 1.6.6 !
                « J'ai d'abord travaillé dans un abattoir. C'est un peu là que j'ai découvert ma vocation ! Mais le travail était un peu systématique, ça contrariait mon tempérament d'artiste... »


                • #9
                  Merci de nous avoir informé de l'avancement au fur et à mesure !

